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Happy Anniversary Ben Jones

Today marks the one year anniversary of Ben Jones becoming the head of Plantool Hirecentres.

After starting work for Plantool Hirecentres in February 2003, Ben worked as the depot manager in Warwick until June 2006. He soon moved to the Lutterworth branch of Hirecentres, and whilst working there was asked to be the Area Manager for the company.

Whilst acting as Area Manager, Ben was recognised for his talent and was soon promoted again to acting Operations Manager. In 2007, Ben was recognised for his hard work and perseverance in the prestigious HAE awards, when he won employee of the year. This led to Ben being asked to join the board of Directors in September 2009. On the 1st of May 2013, Ben Jones stepped in to head up the Plantool Hirecentres company.

After a fantastic year, Plantool is constantly moving onward and upwards, with the upcoming open day for the brand new Plantool Hirecentres headquarters in Daventry, and a sizable influx and range of new machinery available to hire.

Ben Jones had this to say:

Plantool Hirecentres has continued to enjoy great success in the tool and equipment hire industry, with our new range of equipment, and our brand new headquarters, I can confidently say that the future looks bright for the company. The last year has been a pleasure, and I greatly anticipate the years to come.

So congratulations to Ben Jones on his first year benchmark as acting head of the company!

May 1, 2014

Contact Plantool for expert advice on freephone 0800 334 5365

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